Hercules turned 15 years on May 8, 2003 (also see 'Happy Birthday, Hercules'). That means we have accompanied almost half of Elton's career! That's why we asked you to help us find the best Elton John song of all times. For starters, we asked you to vote on your favorite song from each regular studio album Elton has released in the past 34 years (see Part 1-3). We then compiled the results from the first round and presented you with a list of the top 3 of each album for you to vote on again (see Part 4). That way, we tried to give those songs a chance which are usually overlooked when fans just name their favorite songs from memory. In the final round we asked you to pick your favorite Elton John song from the following list. These ten songs made it through the first two rounds. And here are the final results:
Best Song - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |